Thursday, 25 September 2008

Answer to our quiz.

Our quiz has ended and we have a winner. Infact i should say we have two winners because there were two possible answers…..




The ‘Towering Inferno’ is one and Mr R from Chagny in France was the first to email with this answer. The second answer given by the Polish climber Patryk Rozecki was ‘none’ because we didnt have a TV, not a Plasma or even an LCD. It was a fake photo that we had gréât enjoyment in posing for and preparing.
We also enjoyed the replys that gave us some feedback about playing strip poker instead of watching our fake TV ☺.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry climbers. Here we say that "una retirada a temps és una vicòria". It's written in catalan, but I think Pierre is able to translate to you.

Hope see you soon
